Fictiv: Operation’s Workbench

Fictiv is an on-demand manufacturing company that helps customers manufacture hardware products. Among the trio of platforms within Fictiv, the Operations Workbench holds a pivotal role for internal operations users. This platform empowers users to seamlessly create jobs, schedule these jobs with manufacturers, monitor and flag orders, and conduct virtual quality control.

Product design/Strategy

Fictiv: Manufactuer’s Workbench

The Manufacturers Workbench is a responsive web application for Fictiv's manufacturing partners, enabling them to accept, track, and manage tasks related to jobs for timely and complete customer deliveries. Seamlessly integrated with the Operations Workbench tools, it ensures efficiency and collaboration throughout the manufacturing process.

Product design

Uber Beacon 2.0

The Beacon is a hardware device designed for easier rider identification using satellite and sensor technologies, along with color synchronization and an LED matrix display that pairs with the rider's app.

UX Research/Interaction design

Tuktuk Rental

Tuktuk Rental is a sustainable tourism venture that promotes a unique travel experience by leasing tuktuks from local Sri Lankan citizens and connecting them with tourists. This innovative approach not only supports the local community but also offers tourists an authentic and eco-friendly mode of transportation for exploring the region.

UX Research/Service design


Helping users develop healthy walking habits by providing an interactive map and a step counter to explore San Francisco. Intentional Walk is a volunteer project I worked on through Code for SF that was sponsored by the San Francisco Department of Public Health.

UX design/UI design