Creating a magical television experience centered around browsing behavior of kids for TCL Research America.
Television streaming app
Project Summary
TCL came to Whipsaw because they were seeking ideas around a unique way to differentiate their children’s programming platform and smart TV interface.
Project Outcome
An architecture and strategy and research validation that the TCL team could build their UI on. The final outcome was a colorful map-like interface that helped kids zoom through different content types.
Role: Design research, prototyping, strategy
How are kids using television remotes and apps today?
There are many types of television input devices on the market anywhere from the traditional universal remote, to gesture remotes and gaming controllers and kids-centric remotes. Mostly all of them are designed for adults with complicated controls and too many buttons while on the other hand, kid-centric remotes tend to be too simplified and don’t allow for freedom of navigation. To better understand how kids used existing remotes and interfaces, we conducted an observational research session with a group of children ages 5-12. During this session, the team tested three types of remotes a traditional TV remote, kids-centric remotes, and some gaming controllers.
User needs
Easy way of browsing/exploring through content
Simplified button/interface controls
Generic and non-specific category choice